
Megan Roth

Marketing Manager
[email protected]

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Megan Roth is the Marketing Manager at Insightly, a San Francisco-based SaaS CRM application for small businesses. With a passion for new technology, marketing and customer service, Megan is always looking for new ways to create lasting customer relationships and to help businesses grow. She has previously worked on Marketing teams at Adobe Systems and Lyris technologies.

About Us: MileIQ is the leading app for automatic mileage tracking! MileIQ is an accurate mileage tracking app that automatically logs your miles so you can easily classify business miles to maximize your tax deductions. Come tax time youll have a full accurate mileage report. With MileIQ for Tax professionals get access to a FREE premium account to use MileIQ so you can confidently recommend it to your clients and provide them with a 20% discount.