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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateMay 5, 2014
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes (Sales Tax)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

As state tax nexus standards evolve, taxpayers and their advisors must be aware of different types of activities that can potentially create nexus, and thus additional sales tax and income tax filing obligations. States are adopting “Amazon” tax laws as well as economic nexus rules and other approaches. Taxpayers and their advisors must be aware of and comprehensively review business activities and be prepared to take action to address potential nexus issues. This presentation will cover:

• State sales and income tax nexus
• Analyzing activities in significant states
• Managing nexus issues
o Filing Returns
o Voluntary Disclosures
o Tax amnesties

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Kim, NJ

"This was a very informative webinar on determing Nexus as it relates to Sales tax. States are getting more and more aggressive and a lot of companies do not realize that they have nexus in states even though they do not have a location or representative there. The instructors explained several other situations that can cause nexus that a lot of companies fall under and do not know they do."
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Jackie, FL

"Your webinars are always very informative and having someone available to answer questions from the audience during the course of the webinar is extremely helpful."
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Lydia, WV

"This CPE was very useful and informative. Mark was very effective in his presentation and demostrated great depth in his knowledge of this subject matter."
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Thomas, MI

"Great presentation from Mark especially on the questions dealing with NEXUS. Its the first I have heard of it but very glad I tuned in today."
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John, Other

"The CPA courses certainly help me to keep up to date with relevant topics of business generally not to mention those of a specialist nature"
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Fazil, NY

"The presenters were knowledgeable and material presented made nexus clearer. it had made me interested to review archives."
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Kyle, OH

"I really enjoyed this webinar. It was my first one and it was very interesting and helpful. I will be back for more!"
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Milton, CT

"Certainly a good tool to keep awareness in the forefront. Also good for focus and forward momentum."
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Mark A Loyd, CPA

Bingham Greenebaum Doll
Partner and Chair, Tax & Finance Group
(502) 587-3552


Mark's areas of practice concentration are state, local and federal tax controversy resolution, litigation and planning. Mark’s practice includes acting as an advocate for clients in resolving disputes with state and local tax authorities (e.g., Kentucky Department of Revenue, Louisville Metro Revenue Commission, etc.) as well as federal administrative agencies including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corporation. He has counseled and advocated for clients with issues involving state and local income, gross receipts, sales and use, property, franchise/license and various excise taxes (e.g., cigarette, other tobacco products, motor fuel, motor vehicle, U-Drive-It, etc.) as well as federal income and excise taxes. Mark also has experience working in industry where he managed the state and local tax and federal excise tax planning and audit defense functions of a multi-billion dollar manufacturing concern.

About Our Presenter

Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP is a business law firm providing transactional, economic development, litigation, tax and succession planning services to clients ranging from Fortune 500 global companies to smaller, regionally based organizations across a variety of industries and business sectors for more than a century. The firm also provides estate planning and other services to individuals and non-profit organizations.