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How to Capitalize on the Exit Planning Boom


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateMay 30, 2019
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaSpecialized Knowledge
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

75% of owners plan to exit in the next 10 years. Many of them will be ready to spend five or six figures to get their business ready for an exit – how much of that will you capitalize on?
Join this upcoming webinar to learn a new process that can immediately add a new practice area in your firm, including access to the new report that can quantify (in under 10 minutes) whether your clients’ business is ready for an exit. You’ll be able to generate new leads into your funnel and start a strategic conversation with your existing clients to position yourself as their Trusted Advisor.
Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how to start a strategic conversation that leaves owners wanting to engage with you about their exit

  • Recognize how to accelerate the growth of your exit planning practice

  • Identify why the owners who are most able to pay for exit planning are the least likely to buy it from you (and how to pick your target customer)

  • Recognize how to generate new leads into your funnel

  • Identify how to quantify your clients’ readiness for their business exit

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John Warrillow has been helping accountants understand and market to the Small-Medium Business segment for more than two decades. 
John founded The Value Builder System™ to level the playing field for business owners as they approach their exit. Over 46,000 business owners have taken the Value Builder Questionnaire with the support of accountants who champion the system as Certified Value Builders™ across the globe. Owners are statistically-proven to improve company value by up to 71% through the system.
John’s best-selling book, Built to Sell: Creating a Business That Can Thrive Without You, was recognized by both Fortune and Inc. Magazine as one of the best business books of 2011 and has been translated into four languages. In 2015, John wrote another best-selling book: The Automatic Customer: Creating A Subscription Business In Any Industry.
John has keynoted Fortune Magazine’s Growth Summit, Entrepreneur’s Organization New York City and Toronto Chapters, and the Inc. 5000 conference. John is also the host of Built to Sell Radio, ranked by Forbes Magazine as one of the world’s 10 best podcasts for business owners.  
Prior to founding The Value Builder System™, John started and exited four companies, including a quantitative market research business that was acquired by The Corporate Executive Board (NYSE: CEB) in 2008. John has been recognized by B2B Marketing as one of the top 10 business-to-business marketers in the United States

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The Value Builder System™ is a scientific methodology proven to increase the value of businesses. Accountants leverage the system to help business owners prepare for an eventual exit and ensure they experience a lucrative exit.
After analyzing over 46,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 59 out of a possible 100. If you look at the acquisition offers these businesses have received, the average offer is 3.5 times pre-tax profit. When accountants bring business owners through the system and improve their score to 90 or greater, they receive offers 7.1 times pre-tax profit on average.